Monday, March 7, 2011

A New Indie Song Everyday (C2) 3-7-11

Getting a jump start on the post for today and realizing that the time zone is different.  I reposted with the correct date.  My song pick comes from Paris , KY.  C2 describes themselves as follows, "C2 is a fusion of synthpop and classic Americana. It's pretty fun, check it out."   Yep its fun got that Kings of Leon meets Mumford & Son's mix.  The song I chose was Beauty Queen.

Check out C2 here:

Beauty Queen begins with a gentle shaker leading into the strong power pop synthetic beat and picks up into dance/electronic riffs.  The first lyrical note belts out on an accent.  The same country accent that the mainstream tries to bleed out of us.  Being from Texas, and hearing this most of my life, I know it to be pretty true.  C2 lets it stand out in the open for all to hear and appreciate.  Not by any means is it a country song, but the accent fights the electronically driven drums enough to pull it into border on Americana. 

Beauty Queen appears to be about a beautiful woman that really can't settle down. The lyrics, "Her eyes could tell the story of a heart that's always broken and a soul that's always look'n for a mate", make me think that it will probably be a simple song.  However, "Her smile could burn me up inside although she's never satisfied she's Late, make me ponder if she let her guard down to be with him and maybe she could be pregnant.  What does Late mean here, I asked myself this question.  Could it be she is just running behind schedule?  Not the way it is used in the song and disguised.  He only mentions it one time but that was enough to get my creativity flowing.  As Beauty Queen goes on to the chorus he reassures her he will always be there for her, and mid song you can hear a break in his voice of sincerity.  Towards the end C2 lets out a little yelp of excitement to end the song on an optimistic note.

So at first listen the song comes across as shallow, but with an in depth listen I was almost in tears.  Beauty Queen is not just another dance/ feel good song.  In my interpretation it is a tune that shows he is putting it all down on the table and taking the utmost risk for a life.

Beauty Queen helped me to realize that emotional lyrics can be laid on top of the most unexpected beats. 

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